Babies, Children, and Teens

Always changing, always evolving, can we ever keep up!?! Little kids have the miraculous ability to grow up before our eyes. It's our job as parents to document as much as possible. From baby books, folders of handmade artwork, and cell phone videos of adorable moments, we all do our best. When it's time to document milestones, special occasions, or the fact that they are the cutest thing you have ever made, let me help capture the glorious moments in time, before they soon become grumpy teenagers and leave you wondering what happened to your sweet baby. I can't promise that all of their days will be filled with giggles and smiles, but I will try my best to put a happy smile on your cutie's face. I pull out all the stops from jokes, to silly sounds, and dancing around like a fool. If it will get a smile...I will do it!

Although, sometimes even the wackiest of acts will not deter a strong willed toddler. Have no fear, I have plans for that as well! Meeting your child during the pre-consultation can be a very helpful way for us to break the ice and have more success come show time. Be sure to check out my Prep Guide for some more pointers on how to prepare for your session.